Since 1987 our company produces wiring harness with high-quality connectors, moulded cables and performs electromechanical assemblies.

We are certified according to UNI EN ISO 9001 - 2015 and UL CUS standards.


We purchase all our components direct from manufacturing companies and not through dealers, which allows us to offer best prices and conditions to our customers.
We have a lot of suppliers and cooperate directly with the most renowned Italian and foreign producers, buying also from the United States, Japan and China.
All products are tested 100% during the assembly and we certify the complete process, according to UL - CSA standards.

On customer request, we supply "free pass" products, which require no further testing at the customer.
The machines we employ are of modern construction and equipped with in-line wire markers.
We can work on cables ranging from a minimum section of 0.012 mm2 for cable cords, wires, flat cables and multipolar cables, up to power cables with sections of 70 mm2.

On customer request, we study and develop customized cables, even performing resin coating and gluing operations. For customers requiring a more comprehensive product, we can act as system providers, managing a project with additional suppliers from other sectors, such as manufacturers of mould-making equipment, foundries for aluminium pressure die-casting, small components in sheet metal, plastic moulds and mechanical workshops with work centres and painting plants.
All this to supply to our customer a high-quality and high-valency product.
Of course, in these cases, the suppliers may be selected and/or approved by the customer.


Currently our most important areas of activity are: automotive industry (cars, motorcycles and trucks) - forklift trucks – earthmoving machinery - industrial automation - biomedical equipment - air conditioning and heating - compressed air handling - robotics – illumination technology.

Redeghieri Gabriele